This grouping of educational symptoms potentially could occur. Please feel free to print this out and share it with anyone who can assist you or your child. This may be a helpful guide to give to a teacher or educational professional assisting you and/or your child.
General Educational Difficulties
Unsuccessful Test Taking | Difficulty with Writing Details |
Poor Organizational Skills | Poor Management of Timed Activities |
Slower to Complete Tasks | Easily Frustrated |
Difficulty Employing Problem Solving Strategies | Decreased Mathematical Ability |
Social Skills
Low Self Esteem | Interprets Words Literally |
Anxiety | Forgetful |
Rigid | Short Temper |
Perfectionist | Feels like a failure |
Bullied | Reading Difficulties |
Comprehension | Difficulty with Recall |
Retaining Information | Poor Short Term Memory |
Attention Problems
Short Attention Span | Needs Instructions Repeated |
Concentration Issues | Fidgety |
Auditory Processing and Memory Problems | Gross Motor Issues |
Poor Athletic Performance | Balance Issues |
Language Problems | Poor Coordination |
Language Processing | Difficulty Expressing Thoughts |
Fine Motor & Sensory Issues
Poor Handwriting/Dysgraphia
| Dyspraxia |
Buttoning clothing | Cutting with scissors |
| |
Certain Sounds, Smells, Sights, Textures and Tastes | Loud Noises |
Bright, Flickering Lights | Scratchy clothing |
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